Instructions for Completing Education Plan

Updated June 2023

The Education planning form is designed to increase student learning on grade level concepts for math, English language arts, and science on a personalized learning basis. By incorporating progress monitoring and identifying areas of need for some students, instructional adjustments can be made to meet the individual learning needs of each student. Parents will also be provided training and support as they work to educate their child at home. It is our overall goal to demonstrate that the homeschool model charter is a successful and viable option in which all students can achieve academic success.

The goal of the Education Plan is to provide the needed support to help all students attain grade level proficiency. CWCS honors both parent choice as well as meets federal and state guidelines for student achievement when the Education Specialist, parent, and student collaborate to design the optimal individual learning plan. Ultimately, our students succeed when they meet and exceed grade level proficiency in math, language arts, and science and are prepared for either college or a career field upon high school graduation.

All students will have an Education Plan designed to meet their needs for the academic school year which will address the following:

  • Current Available Assessment Results (summative, formative, standardized, etc.)
  • Planned assessments for academic school year for student (for example: WRAT, iReady, CAASPP, ELPAC, Embedded assessments, Course Final Exams, etc.) List all that apply
  • Need for Progress Monitoring or justification statement if no Progress Monitoring is needed (Diagnostic #2)
  • Planned Intensive Instructional Support or justification statement if no Intensive Instructional Support is needed
  • Grade Level Concept and Skills Review to be used
  • Type of instructional methods students will receive
  • Curriculum
  • Planned / Suggested Parent Training
  • Other relevant information to support student learning and success
  • Effective Educators Assigned
  • Supplemental services purchased

Procedure and Explanation of Focus Areas:

ESs, in collaboration with the parent and student, will complete an Education Form for each student in grades K-12 at or prior to the first Learning Record Meeting.


CWCS believes it is important for both the success of the student and the school to use data to help personalize and drive instruction. Currently, CWCS requires specific assessments to help support the students'learning by using data to accurately determine students'needs. See Current Assessments.

* * See Paperwork Timetable for deadlines and test windows

Additionally, it is strongly recommended all students have a form of periodic assessment built into their curriculum (i.e.: Chapter End Tests, Unit Assessments, etc.). Students will complete the assessments and parents will modify instruction or re-teach areas in which students are not proficient. ESs will review assessments at each Learning Record meeting. Some students, depending on course placement, may be required to have proctored assessments as specified in the course syllabus.

School specialists, ESs and parents may opt for additional assessments as deemed appropriate to support students'learning, such as embedded assessments in Computer Aided Instructional (CAI) programs, Concept and Skills review, and other diagnostic assessments as needed.


ESs, students, and parents will determine appropriate placement emphasis for high-school students: A-G (college prep), or CTE (Career Technical Education), Dual Enrollment (community college coursework). CWCS strives for all students to have rigorous academic opportunities and to be college and/or career ready. For more information about placement emphasis, please see our Guidance Page or contact our High School Guidance Counselor.

Progress Monitoring:

As per the Response to Instruction (RtI) Policy, progress monitoring will be determined using the process outlined in the current RtI Policy.


See Curriculum Policy for appropriate selection of curriculum.

Also use PLIP Curriculum Checklists if needed: K-12 ELA, K-8 Math, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2

Instructional Methods:

All students are provided access to and oversight from an Effective Educator (appropriately trained, qualified and credentialed teacher) as per the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to support the parent in educating their student. Each child has a specific mode or combination of modes in which she/he learns best. In addition to specific learning styles, there are many theories about how various instructional methodologies affect a child's learning style. You can find more information about Learning Styles and Instructional Methods on our Curriculum Page. ESs can help parents determine students'learning styles and instructional methods best suited to educate the child.

Concepts and Skills Review:

As per the CWCS Curriculum Policy, all students in Kindergarten through twelve (K-12) will be provided and use Concepts and Skills Review Materials at their grade level.

Intensive Instructional Support:

As per the RtI Policy, CWCS has selected the following approved options for students needing Intensive Instructional Support:

  1. iReady CAI: Student will work in the iReady adaptive support program for a minimum of 45 minutes per week in the corresponding subject until the student is at or above level. ES is to monitor weekly progress throughout the semester; or
  2. Developmental Class: Student will enroll in corresponding Developmental Class targeting specific skills and standards based on student's iReady diagnostic assessment; or
  3. Paper / Pencil: ES will work with the student using the iReady toolkit with weekly lessons (4-5 lessons per week) generated by the student's iReady diagnostic assessment (this option is subject to administrative approval and should be used only in unique situations).

Parent Training:

CWCS encourages and acknowledges the participation of parents in completing a course of educational study or professional development and volunteering with CWCS. We recognize that our parents are teachers too and all teachers participate in professional development to enhance their effectiveness with their students. Any in-person parent training session held throughout the year by CWCS or the pre-recorded training sessions found on our Parent Education Page are acceptable. Parents should choose, in collaboration with their ES, training relevant to support the needs of their student.

High School Intensive:

See High School Intensive Policy for requirements.

All 10th-12th graders who have not shown proficiency in Grade 8 ELA Standards and who have not yet passed 10 units of an a-g English must be enrolled in High School CMS Intensive Composition.

Math Placement Policy & Algebra 1 Completion Guidelines for Middle School and High School:

Students who have not demonstrated proficiency in math 8 standards will be required to have EE oversight for Pre-Algebra or Algebra 1 coursework. There are a variety of ways they can accomplish this.

Additionally, students working above grade level (in the middle grades 6-8) to complete Algebra 1 are also required to have EE Oversight.

Grade 9 students who have shown proficiency in Grade 8 Standards (evidenced through CAASPP and/or iReady) can complete Algebra 1 under the supervision of their assigned ES using an approved curriculum that meets or exceeds the state standards. See Math Placement Policy & Algebra 1 Completion Guidelines for Middle School and High School for additional guidance.


ESs and parents will work together to document relevant information to support student learning and success.

All ESs will complete a written Education Plan addressing above noted areas and will work diligently throughout the year in collaboration with the parent and student to implement the plan. The plan will be reviewed and adjusted throughout the year based on the needs of the student or based on recommendations from specialists and/or ES Advisors.

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